International Study Centre

Student stories - Rehab

Sussex graduate in Brighton

"The whole staff of the International Study Centre were extremely welcoming and helpful."

“From the start of my course at the International Study Centre, I felt supported. I came to the International Study Centre with a 5-month-old baby and was totally supported both academically and personally to be able to complete my International Foundation Year in Life Sciences and Psychology.

I was given extra writing skills in the second term and was able to improve my score to over 70%. This really helped me in my degree.

The benefit of studying at the International Study Centre is they prepare you for university. So when you start your course you have an idea on how to take notes, and writing and reading.

My favourite thing about being an international student is exploring the new culture and meeting people from different backgrounds. We sit together, we work together in the lab as a group and we support each other.

The advice I would like to give to international students is don’t give up and try your hardest. Just keep doing your best and you will get there.”


International Foundation Year in Life Sciences and Psychology